‘If you cannot measure it, it is not worth doing’.
‘If you cannot measure it, it is not worth
doing’. The statement in the light of managing change and innovation
are in a time of substantial economic, technological and organisational changes
with several uncertainties. Latest and ongoing technological reforms have been
improving our work environment by increasing our productivity, decreasing the
risks of on job accidents or mistakes, and reducing the physical effort
required on normal jobs which will allow workers to perform smarter and more
effectively; potentially increasing their job satisfaction. These revolutionary
change are normal part of life. Change is essential, fascinated, scared and
excited but important to plan, measure and evaluate it.
this modern world, key success factors for change are ‘measuring’ and ‘evaluating’
the change. Measuring change is extremely important. There is a saying, ‘what
gets measured gets done’. Unfortunately, we are not very good at measuring
actual innovation amongst firms precisely and accurately. We mainly rely on
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate to indicate the expansion of
innovation and its impact on our well-being through human development index
(HDI). To develop an improved alternative measurement tool for innovation, it
requires vital data availability augmented with smart thinking about
appropriate ways to conceptualise new statistics. But still important is how managers,
leaders and owners measure change in their organisations?
measurement of change occurs in all organisations because managers are always
comparing current and past performance, and setting future targets. However
measuring ‘change’ should be distinguished from evaluating the success of
‘change programs’. Change’ is caused by many influential factors both internal
and external environmental. The change program is just one variable of many
others. A measure of ‘change’ does not necessarily prove what impact a ‘change
program’ has had inside the organisational norms but it is important to measure
and monitor change programs because they are expensive to implement and often
fail. Measurement of change should be considered during the planning phase of
change and before any action is undertaken by the change implementing manager
or responsible personnel. Measurement of change serves multiple purposes:
It should motivate and convince employees
to perform desired new activities
It should provide necessary guidance
toward goal achievement and alert managers to replan in case people are
distracted and resistive to new change.
research indicates that only 25% – 30% of change efforts succeed “70% change
fails”. The role of human fallibility in change program failure is expressed in
the ‘one-eighth rule’ i.e. ½ ´ ½ ´ ½ = ⅛:
One-half of people will not believe
the link between how people are managed and profit.
One-half of those who do believe
will try a one-shot solution rather than a systemic approach.
One-half of firms that make
systemic changes will persist long enough to see the difference.
my academic thinking, a person or group who is responsible for planning and managing
change; and ensuring its implementation must prepare a well-defined and well-developed
comprehensive plan with an evaluating matrix. The scale of success and failure
of any component of change must be recorded in organisational assets system for
further planning. Organisations can also carryout necessary surveys to measure
the effects of change after, during its implementation and even prior change by
investigating the employees’ behaviours and impacts. Success and failure of
change is measurable and must be measured through managers, human resources and
responsible personnel.
change programs is difficult because of its complexity and the ‘causality
problem’, i.e. the link between cause (a change program) and effect (improved
business performance) is hard to prove. Modern research by Leslie Szamosi &
Linda Duxbury (2002) fills a significant void in the revolutionary
organisational change and the support literature through the development of measure
of organisational support and non-support of revolutionary change. The
development of these measures has led to nine (9) observable behaviours of
organisational support for revolutionary change and twelve (12) observable
behaviours of non-support for revolutionary change.
organisation supports changes by:
1. Pressuring
legislators for fair competition
2. Keeps
in contact with its customers to ensure that they are aware of what the company
3. Information
employees regarding the change through bulletins/ teleconferences
4. Communicating
the need for change
5. Paying
more attention to the bottom line
6. Providing
managers with separation packages
7. Aggressively
pursuing emerging business opportunities
8. Developing
an understanding the owing to change the completion can be a customer
9. Allying
itself with other companies
organisation does not support change when it:
1. Does
not eliminate the bureaucracy
2. Allows
for conflicting departmental mission
3. Allows
certain departments to protect themselves form change
4. Does
not make manager accountable for change
5. Is
slow to react in some competitive environment
6. Does
not ask employees if there is a better way to do things
7. Does
not recognise where its greatest assets are
8. Does
not have a common goal throughout the company
9. Does
not allow employees to be flexible in the use of their skill sets
10. Only
provides verbal support for change
11. Holds
back information on where the company was going
12. Limits
employees empowerment
Modern revolutionary changes can be
measured typically by following three (3) methods:
1. Conventional
financial measures
2. Strategy-driven
3. Benchmarking
4.3 Conventional Financial Measures:
indicators or ratios are the basic building block or standard from which to
fabricate measures of changing business performance. Three (3) cautions should be observed in
interpreting such data. Change should be evaluated by looking at long-term
financial data – to remove the impact of exceptional events. Allowance is
needed for other factors like market trends or competition, as well as the
change program. Non-financial indicators (quality defects or employee
attitudes) are also needed. One challenge for managers is making sense of
‘multiple financial change measures’.
following measures indicate particular aspects of change, or take the
perspective of specific stakeholders in change.
Share price performance.
Market share.
Overall performance measures (sales
growth, return on equity, and return on total assets or Economic Value Added (EVA).
Profitability measures (ratios of
net profit to sales or expenses to sales)
Cash flow.
Internal financial targets or
4.4 Strategy-Driven Measures:
second way to measure change is the achievement of strategic targets. From its
‘vision’ and ‘mission’, an organisation may cascade strategic targets. These
lead to a comprehensive implementation plan. This plan contains measurable
targets for each manager (project, functional, program and portfolio). Many
organisations measure change by checking actual performance on KPIs against
targets. Three (3) difficulties generally arise in measuring change this way.
What do strategic measures say
about ‘bottom line’ financial performance?
How can multiple strategic
indicators be integrated to give a clear ‘big picture’
Are strategic targets overtaken by
discontinuous change?
addition to these three (3) human factors, SUP (speed of adoption, utilisation
and proficiency) can also be used by management to measure actual changes.
Applying these three (3) vital steps helps change management efforts and
minimize risks of ‘complete failure’ of change implantation.
4.5 Benchmarking:
is another way to measure change. Benchmarking involves continuously comparing
& measuring an organisation with business leaders anywhere in the world to
gain information which will help the organisation to take action to improve its
performance (productively, efficiency). Three (3) different types of
benchmarking exist. Each uses a different comparison to discover ‘best
Internal benchmarking – to find
best practice within an organisation.
Industry benchmarking – to find best
practice within an industry.
Process benchmarking – to find best
practice in a ‘core’ or ‘generic ‘process (such as supplier management).
formal process of benchmarking has both internal parts such as deciding what to
benchmark, selecting a project team and gathering internal data; and the external
parts such as selecting, approaching and visiting partners, and gathering data.
The following seven (7) step process contains both the internal and external
parts as follows:
Step-1: Identify the process to
Step-2: Define the projects, choose
a team
Step-3: Collect internal
Step-4: Research and choose
benchmark partners\, determine a data collection method
Step-5: Collect information from
Step-6: Analyse gaps, make
recommendations and implement
Step-7: Monitor and continuously
Quality Management (TQM) analytical tools can show how specific changes
(causes) deliver specific results (effects). These include:
1. Cause-and-effect
diagram (also known as the "fishbone" or Ishikawa diagram)
2. Check
3. Control
4. Histogram.
5. Pareto
6. Scatter
7. Stratification
(alternately, flow chart or run chart)
organisational option is the ‘Human Resources (HR) Scorecard’ developed by
Becker, Huselid and Ulrich (2001) to measure the success of change programs. The
HR scorecard scores seven (7) ‘key success factors’ out of 100 to enable
managers to monitor change amongst employees and relevant stakeholders. These
seven (7) factors are:
1. Leadership
2. Explaining
3. A
vision of the outcome
4. Mobilising
5. Institutionalising
6. Monitoring
& demonstrating progress
7. Sustaining
success factors considered for the implementation change are as follows:
1. Leading
change- who is responsible?
2. Creating
a shared need-why do it?
3. Sharing
a vision-what will it look like?
4. Mobilising
commitment-who else needs to be involved
5. Building
enabling systems-how will it be institutionalised?
6. Monitoring
and demonstrating progress- how will it to measures?
7. Making
it last-how initiated and sustained
on my in-depth literature review, in-class discussions and related books
reading; in my opinion a change is a process which must be planned and
carefully executed. Change is measurable through its effects and must be
measured by organisations during planning, implantation and closing stages.
Organisations must have well-established measure for change performance i.e.
rate of success and failure probabilities. Such measures may include minimum
but not limited to goals achievements, adoption speed, implementation time,
cost of change execution, employees’ behaviour (resistance, acceptance),
organisational response, effect on overall productivity, efficiency and
technical awareness, trainings and effectiveness on individual transitions etc.
employee’s progress and cumulative impact need to be measured several times
during the lifecycle of a change enforcement to objectively evaluate the
effectiveness of change management plan. By measuring it multiple times through
groups’ interview, sample surveys and holistic observations; organisations can receive
early warning of the need for revision(s) to the original change management plan
in order to achieve the desired and sustained outcomes. Further, mangers can also
use ADKAR model to monitor the progress of individual transitions with respect
to anticipated awareness, desire, knowledge, ability and reinforcement of
change management plan.
Awareness of the
need for change
Desire to
participate and support the change
Knowledge on how to
Ability to
implement required skills and behaviour
Reinforce main to
sustain the change
Class lectures
Units presentation slides
How Should We Think About Measuring
Innovation and Change? Rebecca M. Blank
Ad van den Oord, Karen Elliott, Arjen van
Witteloostuijn, Melody Barlage, Laszlo Polos, Sofie Rogiest, (2017) "A
cognitive organisation theory (COT) of organisational change: Measuring organisational
texture, audience appeal, and leadership engagement", Journal of Organisational
Change Management, Vol. 30 Issue: 6, pp.903-922, https://doi.org/10.1108/JOCM-08-2016-0164
Leslie T. Szamosi, Linda Duxbury, (2002)
"Development of a measure to assess organisational change", Journal
of Organisational Change Management, Vol. 15 Issue: 2, pp.184-201,
Daft, R.L., & Marcic, D. (2004).
Understanding management (4th Edn.). Mason, OH: SouthWestern.
Schein, E.H. (1996). Culture: The missing
concept in organisation studies. Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(2),
Clarke, M. (1999). Creating change from
below: Early lessons for agents of change. The Leadership & Organisation
Development Journal, 20(2), 70-80.
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